Protatech India Solutions Private Ltd
Jr. Software Engineer
• Innovated and streamlined payment processing systems for cost efficiency with custom configurable payment method functionality to enhance transaction processing by 35% and user experience integrations include PayPal, Stripe, PhonPe, and Paytm.
• Contributed to the development of a web kiosk-based hotel management system application, ensuring seamless operations and efficient guest services.
• Refactored authentication architecture from session-based to JWT (JSON Web Tokens), enhancing security and scalability, including cross-site cookie sending token-based login for connections between ASP .Net and Angular JS sites.
• Pioneered the development of the EventKeyz companion mobile application using React Native. Integrated .NET MVC APIs with JWT Authentication for secure and efficient performance. integrating custom payment methods, ticketing and role-based user management, enhancing functionality and increasing client satisfaction by 40%.
• Engineered features for real-time location tracking from a mobile SOS Application using React Native, traced on an Angular-based web application using Firebase real-time database and Google Maps API.
• Converted an open-source hospital management web application from .NET MVC and Angular 7 to the latest Angular 16 and .NET Core Web API 8. Implemented migration of Entity Framework to Entity Framework Core, ensuring compatibility, performance, and future scalability.